Sending SONAE concept cultivated in Japan,
a disaster-prone country, to the world
SONAE International
Japan has experienced various natural disasters since Great East Japan Earthquake, and in terms of disaster
countermeasures, is required to lead the world in the face of climate change.
The action suggestion content that we + SONAE Project have accumulated can be used in various services to
send and share disaster prevention information to countries around the world.
Services we provide
Basically, all the disaster prevention content services we provide in Japan can be expanded overseas.
Currently, we are already working on multilingual distribution for domestic users. In the future, we will respond flexibly to the expansion of expressions that meet the needs and cultures of each country.
Disaster prevention information content can be optimized
for local regions and expanded overseas.
+ SONAE Project has been accumulating action suggestion contents based on public and academic information sources, assuming various scenes in Japan in preparation for "in case of emergency". In addition to disaster preparedness as hardware, + SONAE Project supports the overseas expansion of software content to ensure that “no one is left behind.
In + SONAE Project, we conduct interviews on the characteristics and cultures of each region according to the needs of each country. We will provide you with visual content that is easier to convey.
For example, it is possible to expand overseas in the following ways. We will contribute to protecting the lives and livelihoods of many people around the world.

Production of disaster prevention information signage at facilities overseas

Development of disaster prevention manual and application for overseas sites and employees

Production of an overseas portal site for disaster prevention education based on Japan's disaster experience

Development and production of games in which disaster prevention knowledge can be enjoyed, and distribution of them in multiple languages
“SONAE” can collaborate with various partners!
In Japan, + SONAE Project has already promoted flexible collaboration with smart city concept, MaaS, and reinforcement of disaster prevention functions of existing services and facilities.
For overseas use, the current contents are already available in Japanese and English. In the future, it will be possible not only to increase the number of supported languages, but also expanded content based on expressions that match the culture of each country.

international airports
In 2018, we conducted a test broadcast of City Watch at Kuala Namu international airport in Medan, Indonesia.
This attempt was implemented in partnership with ANGKASA PURA II (airport management company), BMKG (Meteorology and Geophysics Agency of Medan City, Government of Indonesia) and Moratelindo (Indonesian telecommunication company).
With this attempt as a starting point, we will actively cooperate with related ministries and local governments to contribute to improving disaster prevention capabilities in Indonesia.

Japanese knowledge incorporating
customs of each country
In 2019, we cooperated with the efforts of Asia Pacific Alliance Japan to produce the "Manual for protecting families in the event of a disaster" in South Korea.
We created Korean version of disaster prevention contents based on + SONAE contents and opinions from the perspective of Korean lifestyles at workshops held in South Korea.
In the same way, we can create disaster prevention contents based on the lifestyle of each country.
and products is being strengthened.
Due in part to the impact of global climate change, natural disasters occur around the world every day. In Japan, where the Great East Japan Earthquake caused unprecedented damage and natural disasters frequently occur, the public and private sectors have been promoting infrastructure development and software measures in preparation for disasters.
The Public-Private Liaison Committee for deploying disaster prevention technology overseas (JIPAD) was established in 2019 with the Cabinet Office (in charge of disaster prevention) as its secretariat to promote the overseas deployment of disaster prevention technology originating in Japan and to improve the disaster prevention capability of countries around the world. Approximately 200 companies in various fields and ministries and agencies participate in JIPAD.
Disaster prevention information products are export contents that are required now.

Total for 1984 – 2013. Created by Asian Disaster Reduction Center based on EM-DAT
Flowchart to deployment
We will have meetings to confirm how we can deploy this system for our customers and local communities, if there is any function to add, and so on.
and deployment
Verification experiments will be conducted at the site of the deployment site.
for functional structure
We design the functional structure based on the on-site inspection. We check with the customer and confirm the function at the site again.
Based on the results of the verification conducted at the web-based and feature-limited application, the missing functions will be newly produced and the final on-site inspection will be conducted.
on-board equipment
It is finally packaged as an application.
Setting an operation verification period, we monitor the malfunction and operation status again.
We will complete the deployment of SONAE RING, however will continue to carry out maintenance in accordance with the conditions of the city and disasters.